Meet Sue

Foothealth Battersea: Healing Battersea's Heels since 1959

Meet Sue...

She’s 42 and has decided that this is the year that she will truly embrace the ’New Year, New Me’ concept. 
Her 2019 resolution is to get fit, so, spurred on by her family, she has signed up for a 'Couch to 5km' challenge. 

Three weeks in and Sue begins to suffer with heel pain in her right foot in the mornings. She mentions her pain to her husband who asks her if it’s just an excuse for her not to go on her run, after all…it’s chucking it down outside. Sue laughs it off but is a bit unsure of what’s going on. 

By week four of her programme, she is hobbling out of bed as those 'first steps' are agony. As the day progresses the pain eases but reappears when she gets up from sitting for long periods of time. Her evening runs are put on hold as for the next 3 days Sue wakes up with ever increasing heel pain - she is now almost a whole week behind on her running schedule. Feeling deflated she arranges to meet a friend for coffee in Gails who asks how the new year challenge is going. Sue says that she just can't do it because of how painful her heel has become. Her friend has had something similar, it's called 'Plantar Fasciitis'. 

Armed with this new information, Sue decides to check in with Google and after a quick search of her symptoms; stabbing heel pain, at worst first thing in the morning or after periods of rest, associated with increase in exercise and obesity, Sue (and Google) confirm that this sounds like Plantar Fasciitis. 

She wants to be sure and to get treatment as soon as possible as there is still time to complete her challenge, so Sue searches #PlantarFasciitisBattersea and is relieved when the results show Foothealth Battersea, a Podiatry clinic just around the corner from her. Sue takes a look at the website and books an appointment online to be seen the very next day. 

After proper history taking and assessment of her range of motion, muscle strength and flexibility, having her gait observed and her foot wear assessed, Plantar Fasciitis of the right foot is confirmed and Sue is set the following treatment plan:

New trainers - her current ones are 4 years old, not cushioned or supportive enough

RICE - especially the Ice part, twice a day, rolling her foot for 10min on a frozen water bottle

Calf muscles stretches - twice daily and a more thorough cool down after runs

Orthotics - The podiatrist has discovered that she has one leg longer than the other. Fairly common and would explain why it is only pain in one heel. She is scanned for some customised orthotics to address this and re position both feet into more ‘normal’ positions. 

This is great and she leaves feeling positive and armed with a action plan so that she can... 
achieve her goal!

Could this be you?

  • Heel is in agony when first getting out of bed
  • Heel pain eases throughout the day but reappears after sitting for long periods
  • Heel pain is stopping you from doing the activities you love
  • Heel pain is stopping you from living the life you want to lead
What you can do...

  • See a Podiatrist for a full Biomechanical Assessment
  • Ask your Podiatrist to check that your footwear is suitable
  • R.I.C.E. (Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation.) as advised by your Podiatrist
  • Calf muscle stretches as demonstrated by your Podiatrist
  • Get assessed by your Podiatrist for off the shelf, modified or custom orthotics 

Call Us Now to Book Your Heel Pain Assessment

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