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How to fix cracked heels and more

Apr 15, 2021

How to fix cracked heels and more

Last week we spoke in our #WednesdayWisdom all about what cracked heels are and what causes them, if you missed it we have popped it here for you to catch up! Continuing on with this today we wanted to go through why you should see a podiatrist about your cracked heels, how they can help you, and also what you can do in the meantime to help prevent your heels from worsening before you can get to your appointment. 

I have cracked heels, what do I do?

So now that you understand what cracked heels are and what may have caused them, it is time to get them sorted! It is best if you have caught them before they are painful, but no matter the severity of the cracking, it is important to come and see a Podiatrist, this includes if it is currently just the lines in the heel area before they become cracks, as they can not only help in the treatment of the heels but also can give you lots of advice on how to stop them getting worse and prevent them for the future. Dependent on the severity of the heels the podiatrists have multiple different treatments that they may do, as said above this is most likely to involve advice, but can also include exfoliating and debriding (removing the hard skin) on the heels. They will then often go through a routine plan with you, discussing different hydration techniques for the heels, how to properly exfoliate them yourself and shoe advice. 

I'm waiting for my podiatry appointment, what can I do in the meantime?

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! This word cannot be said enough, it is so key in many aspects of our body, and also makes a huge difference to your skin! Try and drink additional water throughout the day to help with the hydration of the body, also hydrate the heels by using a good nourishing cream (we recommend the Dr Anders range to keep your feet hydrated and well-nourished available in our online store), ensuring that it is fully absorbed into the foot before walking. If the heels are at a point when they are split or bleeding, mention this when booking your appointment and we can ask a podiatrist for advice specifically for you in the lead up to your appointment, where the podiatrist can then treat your heels and give you further advice on what to do going forward. If your heels are less cracked and more just the dry skin, then it is possible for you to use a foot file on the heel area whilst waiting for your appointment, we would advise using a soft foot rasp such as the one that you can buy from our online shop. When filing your heels always ensure your feet are dry to avoid causing further damage to the skin, we suggest before a bath or shower as this is an easy way to then wash off any foot file dust. 

Not sure that cracked heels are what is causing your heel pain? Why not check out our blog on all things heel pain; Got heel pain? You're in the right place and don't forget you can book an appointment online to see one of our podiatrists for further advice and treatment. We look forward to seeing you in clinic soon.

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